Small cooking appliances
In this page we cover air fryers, halogen ovens, bread makers ad related multi-function cookers.
Air fryers, halogen ovens, bread makers and multi-function cooking appliances are essentially simple devices and so may well be repairable.
- As with all mains electrical devices, dangerous voltages may be exposed when opened and some parts may remain hot for a while after switching off. Always unplug andallow to cool down before starting work.
All the devices in this category consist of an electric heater, possibly a fan and/or a stirrer, and generally an electronic timer or programmer. There may also be one or more safety switches to prevent it being switched on when open, and thermal cut-outs to switch it off if it overheats.
The first step is always to assess what is working (if anything) and what isn't. This may give valuable clues to where the fault lies.
Disassembly can sometimes be challenging. Search online for disassembly or repair guides or videos. Even if you can't find one for the exact model you have in front of you, guides for other modes by the same manufaturer are likely to give you a few clues.
If the device is showing no signs of life, the first thing to check is the fuse in the plug. This will not often be the fault but it's so easy to check and if necessary replace that it's well worth eliminating from the outset.
Check for grease or other cooking residues which may be clogging up a fan, stirer or other mechanical parts such as a safety interlock, or could be preventing a switch or electrical contact from working. Check for corrosion of any accessible electrical contacts, which might have been caused by steam getting to where it shouldn't.